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A dehumidifier can protect your home

The Malaysian weather is hu­mid and can cause dam­age to items that are of value in non air-con­di­tioned rooms such as wood fur­nish­ing, leather prod­ucts, video equip­ment, books, cam­eras and mu­si­cal in­stru­ments.

With Chungho Nais’s com­pact-sized yet pow­er­ful de­hu­mid­i­fier, all your valu­ables will be kept safe and pro­tected from de­struc­tive or­gan­isms such as fun­gus, mould or mildew. The com­pact size also pro­vides easy stor­age and con­ve­nience.

Why do I need a de­hu­mid­i­fier?

  • In trop­i­cal coun­tries like Malaysia, the hu­mid­ity level is es­pe­cially high in places such as Gent­ing High­lands, Cameron High­lands and Fraser’s Hill. Be­sides that, houses, shops near the forests or bun­ga­lows with tun­nel store rooms re­quire a de­hu­mid­i­fier.
  • In trop­i­cal coun­tries like Malaysia, the hu­mid­ity level is es­pe­cially high in places such as Gent­ing High­lands, Cameron High­lands and Fraser’s Hill. Be­sides that, houses, shops near the forests or bun­ga­lows with tun­nel store rooms re­quire a de­hu­mid­i­fier.
  • This is be­cause the air is damp and mois­ture can cause musty smells, odours and even the for­ma­tion of fun­gus.
  • Chungho Nais de­hu­mid­i­fier works by ex­tract­ing ex­cess air mois­ture from the air in­doors and thus pre­vent dam­age to your valu­ables.

Re­duce musti­ness and mould

  • If your home feels musty or you are un­com­fort­able being in it or have mould that you can’t quite seem to get rid of, it could be that your in­door hu­mid­ity lev­els are too high. You can fix th­ese prob­lems and add ben­e­fits by us­ing a de­hu­mid­i­fier. Here’s ev­ery­thing you need to know. An overly hu­mid en­vi­ron­ment will make your home smell musty, and the sit­u­a­tion can worsen where you even­tu­ally see mould and mildew grow­ing on your ceil­ings or walls. The un­pleas­ant musty smell can be hard to get rid of if the source is not cleared.
  • If your home feels musty or you are un­com­fort­able being in it or have mould that you can’t quite seem to get rid of, it could be that your in­door hu­mid­ity lev­els are too high. You can fix th­ese prob­lems and add ben­e­fits by us­ing a de­hu­mid­i­fier. Here’s ev­ery­thing you need to know. An overly hu­mid en­vi­ron­ment will make your home smell musty, and the sit­u­a­tion can worsen where you even­tu­ally see mould and mildew grow­ing on your ceil­ings or walls. The un­pleas­ant musty smell can be hard to get rid of if the source is not cleared.
  • A de­hu­mid­i­fier can re­duce and erad­i­cate that smell. Chungho Nais’s de­hu­mid­i­fier also takes the mois­ture out of the air that mould and mildew need for breed­ing.
  • Mould and mildew grow in moist ar­eas such as a damp base­ment or the cabi­net un­der your kitchen sink. Mould is re­pro­duced through tiny spores that float through the air. If you are sen­si­tive to mould, breath­ing in th­ese spores can cause: > Nasal stuffi­ness > Eye or skin ir­ri­ta­tion > Sneez­ing or wheez­ing
  • Mould and mildew grow in moist ar­eas such as a damp base­ment or the cabi­net un­der your kitchen sink. Mould is re­pro­duced through tiny spores that float through the air. If you are sen­si­tive to mould, breath­ing in th­ese spores can cause: > Nasal stuffi­ness > Eye or skin ir­ri­ta­tion > Sneez­ing or wheez­ing
  • Dust mites, the most com­mon trig­ger of al­lergy and asthma symp­toms, also thrive in high hu­mid­ity. They can live in bed­ding, cur­tains and rugs, as well as the air in your home. A de­hu­mid­i­fier brings down the level of mois­ture in your home, mak­ing it un­friendly to dust mites and lim­it­ing the growth of mould and mildew.
  • Dust mites, the most com­mon trig­ger of al­lergy and asthma symp­toms, also thrive in high hu­mid­ity. They can live in bed­ding, cur­tains and rugs, as well as the air in your home. A de­hu­mid­i­fier brings down the level of mois­ture in your home, mak­ing it un­friendly to dust mites and lim­it­ing the growth of mould and mildew.
  • If you suf­fer from asthma or al­ler­gies, a de­hu­mid­i­fier can be es­sen­tial for you. Dehumidifiers cre­ate a health­ier home for ev­ery­one. This is be­cause they cre­ate a more com­fort­able en­vi­ron­ment tem­per­a­ture wise. The in­built fil­ter gets rid of any dust, pollen, mould spores or other con­tam­i­nants in the air, pro­duc­ing in­door air that is cleaner.
  • If you suf­fer from asthma or al­ler­gies, a de­hu­mid­i­fier can be es­sen­tial for you. Dehumidifiers cre­ate a health­ier home for ev­ery­one. This is be­cause they cre­ate a more com­fort­able en­vi­ron­ment tem­per­a­ture wise. The in­built fil­ter gets rid of any dust, pollen, mould spores or other con­tam­i­nants in the air, pro­duc­ing in­door air that is cleaner.
  • The lower hu­mid­ity lev­els cre­ated by Dehumidifiers also re­duce the number of dust mites in the home as dust mites need a cer­tain hu­mid­ity level to breed.

Ease laun­dry prob­lem

  • Tired of us­ing the dryer to dry your clothes but it’s too wet out­side to hang your clothes? Place wet clothes on a dry­ing rack near the de­hu­mid­i­fier and you’ll find that your clothes dry quite quickly in­doors.
  • Your clothes can be dried overnight, no mat­ter how wet it is out­side. Best of all, Dehumidifiers don’t use much power so you won’t be run­ning up your bill like you would with a con­ven­tional dryer.

Who needs a de­hu­mid­i­fier?

Use a de­hu­mid­i­fier if you have al­ler­gies or asthma and you live in a hu­mid cli­mate or have signs of mois­ture in your home:

  • Mould and fungus attack
  • Growing of mould mites on the wall
  • Humid air is favourable for microbial growth
  • Discomfort and cause of heat rash during humid weather
  • High humidity tends to affect rheumatoid arthritis
  • Damage to metal product (corrosion occur quicker in high humidity area)
  • Electronic equipment malfunctioning
  • Damage to sensitive medical equipment
  • Wet stains on walls and ceil­ings
  • Corrosion attacks
  • Moisture damage on goods, buildings, leather furniture, etc.
  • A stuffy feel­ing in a room
  • Rot­ting wood
  • Con­den­sa­tion on win­dows
  • Musty smells
  • Discomfort and cause of heat rash during humid weather
  • High humidity tends to affect rheumatoid arthritis
  • Small and medium busi­ness or shops that need to store dry food prod­ucts such as tea, rice, wheat or cam­eras will find a de­hu­mid­i­fier use­ful.

If al­lergy symp­toms from moulds and mites bother your fam­ily, Dehumidifiers can be worth the cost.

Check out Chungho Nais’s Air dehumidifier + Purifier here

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